Satisfaction for the Global Environment

Satisfaction for Global Environment

Via resource recycling initiatives that use limited resources and energy without wasting them, we will take on climate change and other challenges confronting a sustainable society, and strive to create a resilient society that preserves the beautiful global environment.


Related SDGs


Highlights in 2023

Excellent Energy- PLUSLAND Forest Saving Business S Rank Certification Four years in a row

We have been awarded the S Rank Certification in an evaluation system divided by business class by the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Energy Conservation Subcommittee.

MRS recycle rate 99%

We have realized an MRS recycle rate of 99% or more.

PLUSLAND Forest Tree-planting initiative with over 30,000 trees of 58 varieties

PLUSLAND is a composite manufacturing facility that maintains an appropriate balance in symbiosis between nature and humans, and has created a rich natural environment.

Individual thoughts on Satisfaction for the Global Environment

Engaging with climate change issues via corporate activities

It is necessary to know the volume of CO2 emissions before reducing them. We first calculated and disclosed the volume of emissions from our plants in 2020. Since then, we continue to expand the scope of our investigations. Henceforward we must enter the reduction phase, so our company has carried out organizational restructuring for that purpose.
Going forward, we are also looking at reductions and disclosure of information on the part of the entire Group. We will work on both product development and sustainability implementation to fulfill our responsibilities as a member of society, and to become a Group of which the next generation of young people will say, "I want to work for a company like that."

Sustainability implementation, CSR Division, Stationery Company

Environmental Philosophy/ Environmental Policy of The PLUS Group

We engage in a variety of environmental conservation activities while understanding the environmental impact of our business, based on The PLUS Group Environmental Philosophy and Environmental Policy.

Environmental Philosophy

Realization of socially optimality system

PLUS CORPORATION omits the unnecessary duplication from raw material procurement to manufacturing, sales, use, disposal, collection and recycling based on the corporate philosophy "Unique Values - Higher Satisfaction." stated in "PLUS no kokoro".
PLUS contributes to the sustainable development of a recycling-oriented economic society in which resources and energy are effectively utilized without waste by discovering and creating "social optimality system" which reconstructs businesses in a rational and simple manner.

  1. Product Development
    As a manufacturer, we strive to develop unique, ecological and user-friendly products which create a new value for consumer.
  2. Distribution Development
    From a social point of view beyond the scope of a company, we work on reconstruction of the business structure to improve efficiency of distribution by sharing functional capabilities in distribution network.

Environmental Policy

We put our Environmental Philosophy into action according to the following principle.

  1. We consider the environmental impact of our business activities, products and services, and strive to prevent pollution.
    • We develop unique environmentally friendly products and services that create new value.
    • We promote environmental conservation activities in all areas of our business activities.
    • We reduce the environmental load by eliminating any overlapping operation.
  2. We comply with all relevant environmental laws and regulations, and requirements agreed upon by each department.
  3. We will grasp the environmental impact of our business practices, set environmental objectives and targets for improvement, operate plans, review them, and strive for continuous improvement of our environmental management system.
  4. We strive to conserve energy and resources as well as to reduce and recycle waste in our business practices.
  5. We seek to raise awareness of environmental conservation among employees through environmental education.
  6. We share this environmental policy with all employees working in PLUS and people working with PLUS, and make it accessible to the general public.

Conceptual Life Cycle Diagram

Engaging with climate change issues via corporate activities

Recognizing that measures against climate change are an important challenge in the creation of a sustainable society, the entire Group will endeavor to gain a grasp of the volume of greenhouse gas emissions generated through all business activities, including procurement, manufacturing, sales, and delivery, and strive to reduce them.

Developing goods, services and mechanisms to encourage the recycling of resources

In order to make efficient use of limited resources, we promote resource-saving design and reuse waste materials such as offcuts and used products to reduce the amount of raw materials utilized and waste generated, while also promoting the creation of products with a view to recycling. We carry out in-depth research from the perspectives of materials, design and recycling technology, and propose new systems and services.

Investigating and reducing hazardous chemical substances

We will switch from raw materials which contain chemical substances that may cause water, air, or soil contamination, or may have a worrying impact on the human body, to safer raw materials. We strive for appropriate disclosure of information regarding chemical substances to our employees and customers, and provide safe and reliable products that pay due consideration to the global environment.